
CCA Software Professional Services had decades of experience in both mainframe and server platforms. As one of the leading data integration ISV’s we are able to help our customers achieve their goals, whether it is data migration, data replication, system administration, performance and tuning (both system and application), specific projects or covering short term resource requirements. We also have access to a pool of experienced experts in system, database, and security administration.

Database Services

CCA Software offers a number of specialist services related to the ADABAS/NATURAL environment. These consist of the following key services:

  • performance monitoring and tuning of ADABAS DBMS;
  • data migration from mainframe ADABAS to server based ADABAS as part of an application re-hosting exercise;
  • data replication/propagation via our range of tools, installed, tested, configured and implemented;
  • database support and maintenance services as a stand-in while staff are unavailable or to just handle a short term peak.
  • remote database support services for an additional on call DBA.

CCA Software has over 30+ years’ experience in the ADABAS/NATURAL platform and has experts available for short term assignments. Our range of skills will certainly compliment those areas that may be under resourced or only occasionally required at customer sites (eg DBA, assembler skills, system shell scripting & C/C++ skills). For further information follow this link to our contact page.

Application Re-engineering Services

CCA Software through our close relationship with FreeSoft Asia Pacific is able to offer Legacy Application Re-engineering services to our customers.

The FreeSoft approach is to review an existing application with a customer during a Pilot Project. At which time we will be able to identify the whole application, including all relevant components, interfaces and detailed requirements. The end result of the pilot is a complete overview of the application and a demo ‘new’ application based on modern n-tier Java[or C# .net]/RDBMS technologies used by FreeSoft.

You can download the two FreeSoft brochures below:

FreeSoft Modernisation Legacy Systems Flyer

Consolidate Your Legacy Systems to an Open-Source Platform

System Software Consulting

CCA Software is able to provide systems software resources in the specialist areas ranging from the z/OS assembler programming, through to UNIX Systems administration, particularly in the Linux and Solaris areas. We are able to provide

resources to cover a shortfall in our customers staffing or to cover short term one off projects such as RACF upgrades, OS system upgrades or resolving performance bottlenecks. We have 65+ years in assembler language programming and significant expertise in the SSF interface (namely RACF).

We also provide customised user exits for all of our utility and system products, eg NIM user exits, ADAREORG/ADASTRIP user exits and ADAMAGIC exits (in C/C++). For further information follow this link to our contact page.